Children’s Law Center of California

Children’s Law Center of California

Children’s Law Center of California

Children’s Law Center of California (CLC) is a nonprofit, public interest law firm that provides legal representation for tens of thousands of children impacted by abuse and neglect. We provide an unparalleled level of expertise in and out of the courtroom. Our highly skilled, passionate, and committed attorneys, investigators, and support staff fight to ensure the well-being and future success of our clients through a multi-disciplinary, independent and informed approach to advocacy. We are a powerful voice for our clients fighting for family reunification, permanence, educational opportunity, health and mental health services, self-sufficiency, and overall well-being. We are a driving force in local, statewide, and national policy change and child welfare system reform. The Robert Nelson Foundation is honored to help in this wonderful cause by providing a recent gift of $15,000.

Thank you for this amazing donation. Our clients are so fortunate to have you in their corner.

Stephanie Talavera

Development Manager, Children's Law Center of California

Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids

Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids

Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids

The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Grand Rapids with a gift of $30,000.00 towards the goal of improving literacy in the lives of the young people who access services via the Boys and Girls Club. The donation will help to fund the center’s
“Read to Succeed” program. Literacy is one of the highest priorities at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids, and a key component in sustained academic success for the kids we serve. The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to contribute towards this outstanding program and supports the important goal of improving literacy for all.

On behalf of the families and children we serve in Grand Rapids, thank you very much for your support of our Read to Succeed program.

Patrick Placzkowski

Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Club of Grand Rapid

Happy Trails for Kids

Happy Trails for Kids

Happy Trails for Kids

The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to support the Happy Trails for Kids organization. The Happy Trails for Kids mission is to exclusively serve children in foster care, ages 7 and older, by creating opportunities for hundreds of boys and girls growing up in foster care within the Los Angeles area. The organization provides these children access to outdoor adventures, overnight summer camp and year-round supportive programming. The pandemic has presented new challenges for organizations like Happy Trails on all fronts. In response, the staff at Happy Trails has developed a comprehensive program to help these children in foster care by providing weekly communication, extracurricular activities, career exploration, academic support, tutoring and individualized sessions with counselors. The Robert Nelson Foundation has provided a $5,000 gift to assist with the special needs that the pandemic has presented to the staff at Happy Trails and salutes the wonderful work that they do.

Thanks to our incredible partners, like the Robert Nelson Foundation, Happy Trails for Kids is able to provide year-round supportive services and create meaningful opportunities for children to participate in new experiences, adventures and mentorships.

Lindsey Elliot

Executive Director, Happy Trails for Kids

The Guiding Light Mission

The Guiding Light Mission

The Guiding Light Mission

The Guiding Light Mission was founded in 1929 to  help  the homeless and less fortunate in Grand Rapids, MI.  The Covid-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to Guiding Light to continue in their efforts to provide services in a safe manner.  

The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to have contributed $10,000 towards the cost of improving the ventilation system for the facility of Guiding Light. Mr. Nelson had a heart for those who were in need, this gift will help this organization in his hometown to continue to do the great work that it does to help those in need.

Thank you, again, for sharing and providing this Emergency Shelter for the homeless men, women and youth in our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stuart Ray

Executive Director, Guiding Light

Learn about the work of Guiding Light

Minority AIDS Project

Minority AIDS Project

Minority AIDS Project

The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to have partnered with the Minority Aids Project of Los Angeles with a gift of $15,000 to be used for the extraordinary needs associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic.  The Minority AIDS Project (MAP) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1985 to provide psychosocial services to communities of color and undocumented families affected by HIV and AIDS. In addition to the many health conditions and complications related to AIDS, many of the families that MAP serves are now facing food shortages. The gift from The Robert Nelson Foundation will help with resources, services, and supplies that these families need during this challenging time.

This grant will provide assistance for many of our clients who are undocumented, disenfranchised and who face financial challenges due to HIV/AIDS infection.

Michael E. Jones

Director of Donations, Minority AIDS Project

UCLA Health

UCLA Health

UCLA Health

The Robert Nelson Foundation has given a total of $40,000 to UCLA Health to assist with the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment and support for the staff during the COVID-19 crisis.


The pandemic has presented unique challenges that our health care workers have met with determination, ingenuity, and dedication to patient care. Your gift is an extraordinary example of the many ways in which our community has come together to offer gratitude for the tireless efforts of our health professionals
Johnese Spisso, M.P.A.

President, UCLA Health