Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Child Life Program

Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Child Life Program

Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Child Life Program

Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital is one of the leading children’s hospitals in the country. One of the programming components of the hospital is to assist each patient during their stay by easing some of the psychological and social adjustments of a long hospital stay. Using the tools of music, art, humor, special events and visitors, and fun, the staff of the child life program specifically focuses on providing comfort in multiple ways to children who are often very, very, sick. Another challenge that school age children face when facing a long hospital stay is keeping up with schoolwork. The hospital has a teacher on staff who helps to coordinate with the home district to keep the student/patient up to speed as much as possible during this challenging time. The child life program at the hospital is supported specifically via philanthropic donations.

The Robert Nelson Foundation is honored to have provided a gift of $10,000.00 in 2019, and a gift for the same amount in 2021, to help support these special children and the staff that take care of them each day.

Because of you, our child life team will have the resources necessary to provide a care package to each patient and family as they are discharged from HDVCH. Each of these gifts will be a meaningful way to end their stay in the big blue building and remind them that they have the support of the team at HDVCH even after they return home and regain normalcy in their life. 

Kelly Dyer

President, Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Foundation

The Robert Nelson Disability Support Center

The Robert Nelson Disability Support Center

The Robert Nelson Disability Support Center

Robert Nelson was a man of kindness and compassion and had a special place in his heart for the disabled population. In honor of his desire to help the disabled population, the Robert Nelson Foundation has granted $75,000.00 to the City of Grandville, MI to create a Disability Support Center in the local library in honor of Mr. Nelson. The center will consist of resources and materials to assist people looking for help in facing the challenges of a disability or life changing event. Hard copy materials, digital resources, and inspirational material will be a part of the collection with the goal to guide and lead people to the help and resources they need. A goal of the center will also to be a place of collaboration for local agencies and organizations that assist the disabled by providing a place to meet and discuss further ways to help the community. The foundation is honored to put Mr. Nelson’s name on such a special project and looks forward to see the development of this project as it moves forward.

We are excited to share an update on the progress that is underway on the new Disability Support Center…

Construction continues through the winter at the Grandville Public Library on the expansion that will house The Robert Nelson Disability Support Center. A designated room within the expansion that will hold hard copy materials, digital access to resources, and inspirational materials specifically designed for those who are facing the challenge of a disability. The foundation is honored to continue Mr. Nelson’s legacy by providing this resource for the community.

I fully support the establishment of a first-of-its-kind resource center housed in our public library facility targeting the unique needs of those persons and families in the community facing disability challenges. …  This investment will allow us to fully serve and support such a Center and to provide the environment for it to grow, prosper and serve as a model for other libraries.

Steve Maas

Mayor, City of Grandville

Artists Creating Together (A.C.T)

Artists Creating Together (A.C.T)

Artists Creating Together (A.C.T)

Artists Creating Together is an organization in Grand Rapids, MI that focuses on integrating the arts as a means to help people face the challenges of living with a disability. Using a multifaceted approach that combines art, music, dance, and theatre, the organization strives to encourage each person it serves to use the arts to promote individual expression and creativity. The organization also strives to use community service as a component of its programming by reaching out to local hospitals and veterans using the arts as a form of kindness and healing. The Robert Nelson Foundation is proud to support Artists Creating Together with a gift of $10,000.00 to assist in the community development programming of the organization.

Supporters like you make these opportunties possible and help us create a more inclusive community. Thank you for supporting all arts and abilities.

Angela Steele

Executive Director, Artists Creating Together, Inc

Best Buddies

Best Buddies

Best Buddies

Best Buddies is an organization that was started by the Kennedy family over 30 years ago. The goal and purpose of Best Buddies is to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to develop one on one friendships, participate in integrated employment, promote independence, and develop self-advocacy skills. Best Buddies has a national presence and has recently looked to open a Michigan chapter to assist in the development of expanding their programming across the state. The Robert Nelson Foundation’s gift of $10,000.00 is focused towards assisting the development of programming in Michigan schools and communities to assist those with intellectual and developmental disabilities to reach their full potential.

Best Buddies Michigan is honored to be amongst your initial group of grantees, and are deeply grateful for your investment in helping us to make the state of Michigan a much more inclusive place to live and work for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Thank you for supporting our mission and vision.

Lindsay Clark

Director of Development, Best Buddies Michigan